Praise & Worship - Divine Touch Ministries Worldwide

Bishop Donatus Okafor And Pastor Bernadette Okafor
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Jeremiah 1:9-10 9Then the LORD reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, "I have put my words in your mouth. 10See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant."
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Praise & Worship

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Divine Touch Ministries Worldwide
Praise & Worship

Music Ministry

Minister of Music:  Obehi Iyobebe,

Mission Statement: The ministry of Music here at Divine Touch Ministries Worldwide, is used "for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, and for the edifying of the body of Christ (Eph. 4:12)."  It is used as a reinforcement tool to both the preached and taught Word of God.  It is never music's sake, but music for Christ's sake.
 Before the sung Word of God can be effective and life changing to the listener, it must first find a lodging place in the hearts and minds of the interpreters, i.e., the singers.  Therefore, the music department is a spiritual growth group that seeks to keep the Word of God alive in the lives of its participants. Ministry of Music has been developed to support and reinforce the ministry that God has given our Pastor.  It is vision that God has given him for this ministry that sets the pace and direction for the Ministry of Music.
Divine Touch Ministries Worldwide
Divine Touch Ministries Worldwide
2415 E. South Blvd.,
Montgomery, AL. 36116  UNIT U
Phone #
(334) 356-3566
Email  Addresses
Divine Touch Ministries Worldwide © all copyrights reserved by Divine Touch Media 2019-2020

1 Harness Hill Rd
Montgomery, AL. 36117

Phone (334) 356-3566

Email  Addresses
Sunday : Miracle Service
Time : 11:00 am   1:00 pm
Tuesdays :Conference Call
1-712-432-0075 code: 664257#
Time: 8/9 pm
Wednesdays :  Bible Studies
Time : 7/9 pm
Fridays :  Warfare prayers
Time: 7/9 pm
Last Fridays of Every Month:
(Continuous Prayer)
Time : 9:00 pm –12:00 am
All times are in Central Standard Time (CST)
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