Pastor Donatus Chinedu Okafor trained as an economist and statistician began his call to the ministry in 1999 when he founded Divine Touch (Deliverance) Ministries Botswana. It was a small beginning, in the heart of the capital city called Gaborone, pastoring a small congregation of 4 members. Within 3 months, the number grew beyond 150 and with 2 other branches within the country.
In 2001 another branch was opened in Amsterdam – The Netherlands and yokes were broken and to God be the glory.
In 2003, God moved pastor Donatus Okafor to Aberdeen , Scotland – UK , because of the need for deliverance.
And as God planned it, Divine Touch Ministries worldwide was incorporated on 31 st January 2005 . And since then, God has raised Pastor Donatus Okafor in the area of Deliverance to change people's lives (see Testimony page).
In 2009, another branch was opened in Montgomery, AL., because of prayer, healing and deliverance.
Pastor Donatus Okafor has traveled around the globe as a result of deliverance. Together with his wonderful wife, Bernadette, he oversees Divine Touch Ministries Worldwide in Bostwana-Southern Africa, Amsterdam-Netherlands, Aberdeen-Scotland, USA-Montgomery, AL.