Includes recent testimonies from partners from all over the world, monthly special event calendar, and a monthly letter from founder, Rev. Dr. Donatus Okafor.
Your ministry will receive multiple newsletters.
Special Promotions/Discounts
15% discount on books, CDs, DVDs, literature, etc.
Ministerial training and workshops available for all of your ministers.
Includes recent testimonies from partners from all over the world, monthly special event calendar, and a monthly letter from founder, Rev. Dr. Donatus Okafor.
Your ministry will receive multiple newsletters.
Special Promotions/Discounts
15% discount on books, CDs, DVDs, literature, etc
Ministerial training and workshops available for all of your ministers.
One free DVD teaching with lesson notes per month.
15 percent discount on workshops and ministerial training tuition.
50 percent discount on registration for workshops.
Includes recent testimonies from partners from all over the world, monthly special event calendar, and a monthly letter from founder, Rev. Dr. Donatus Okafor.
Your ministry will receive multiple newsletters.
Special Promotions/Discounts
25% discount on books, CDs, DVDs, literature, etc
Ministerial training and workshops available for all of your ministers.
Two free DVD teachings with lesson notes per month.
25 percent discount on workshops and ministerial training tuition.\75 percent discount on registration for workshops.
Special Gold Partner seating
•SP (Very Supportive Partner) seating at all events