We believe that the whole Bible - both old and new testaments are inspired by God.
We believe in the Trinity, comprising the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and all are one God.
We believe that Jesus Christ is God made man born of Virgin Mary and lived a sinless life.
We believe that the death of Jesus Christ was for the atonement of our sins.
We believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead for our Justification.
We believe in the ascension of Jesus Christ into Heaven and His glorious return to reign upon the Earth.
We believe in water baptism. Symbolically it signifies death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We believe in the Holy Communion or the Lord’s Supper in remembering Our Lord’s death for our salvation and victory and expressing unity and love for one another.
We believe in tithing as a way of acknowledging the priestly ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ, and tithing is giving a tenth of our gross income to God in recognition of His Lordship over our lives.
We believe in Deliverance and Healing through Christ.
We believe in the Baptism in the Holy Spirit which manifests through speaking in tongues.